Instant alerts. Emailed reports. Automated updates.
XL Enterprise™ is the cloud component of Vorne’s Industrial IoT Platform for manufacturing. It receives real-time production information from your XL Productivity Appliances™ to automatically:
Send SMS and Email alerts based on your production metrics.
Send alerts every time your process stops, runs slow, starts changeover, or any other state.
Escalate issues from line-level personnel to your senior-leadership team.
Eliminate manual shift reporting by creating and emailing shift reports automatically.
Update XL with our newest features as we release them.

Automated email alerts. Respond to problems
Very fast
XL Enterprise automatically sends email alerts to help your front-line team respond to problems quicker, and to alert your senior team to problems that may need additional support. Emails can be sent based on your OEE metrics, or how long the process has been down, in a changeover, running slow, or any other process state.
Every email includes a succinct subject line, a description of the alert threshold that triggered the email, and a summary of your current production KPI’s.
Email alerts are super-easy to configure
An administrator configures alerts for your organization (provides consistency).
Users choose which processes and alerts to which to subscribe (provides agency).
It’s tempting to create alerts only for your losses. What about good news? Configure alerts to identify when your team beats their production target, or when your team sets a new OEE record. Then…celebrate!
Choose from three types of alerts:

Automatically escalate. Keep informed
Drive action
Prevent small issues from becoming big problems by creating alerts that automatically escalate issues to key team members. It’s easy to create simple and powerful escalation processes, and you can create as many escalation levels as you need.
Here is an example for how you could escalate a machine stop from the Operator to the Plant Director:
No email? No problem. Subscribe to SMS alerts
Not everyone has access to email, but everyone carries a phone
If users don’t want to receive emailed alerts, they can configure XL Enterprise to send SMS text messages instead. Each user can configure which alerts they receive, for which machine, and (most importantly) when to receive the alerts…so they’re not woken-up at 2am (unless they really want to be!).
Configuring XL Enterprise to send SMS alerts is super-simple because:
- SMS alerts are configured in the same way as Email alerts.
- Users can choose to receive their alerts either as an SMS or an Email.
- To support a ‘team send’, you can add as many telephone numbers to each XL Enterprise account as you wish.
- Text alerts are automatically optimized for SMS delivery.
- We provide examples of SMS gateway email addresses for all major mobile carriers.

Eliminate manual shift reporting. Save time
Stay informed
As soon as each shift ends, XL Enterprise immediately delivers a production report directly to your email inbox. Within minutes of a shift ending you can check if your team hit their production target, how many pieces they made, how much time they lost, their OEE losses, how effectively they managed their labor, and their top production losses.
Give your Supervisors more time – stop manually creating and emailing production reports at shift end. XL Enterprise equips your Supervisors with an accurate and automated shift report, so they can focus on handing production to the next team instead of manual data entry.
The XL Platform. Always improving
For you
Every week we have conversations with literally hundreds of customers. We stay very closely connected to our XL users as part of our agile development process. Your experience and our creativity combine to create great new features for the XL platform – included in software updates released every few months.
XL Enterprise delivers software updates to each linked XL device and you decide when you want those updates to be installed. This is one of the truly outstanding aspects of the XL Platform. It is a constantly improving platform.
XL. Simple. Powerful. Affordable.