Try XL 810-1
We’ll ship you an XL800 system for you to install and use for 45 days. We will provide unlimited telephone, web, and email support.
XL is a standalone device that includes I/O to communicate with your process, a scoreboard for your operators, and built-in reporting for your managers. And – it seamlessly scales from machine to enterprise. XL works on any discrete manufacturing process. That’s one of the reasons it’s used on more than 20,000 processes in 45 countries.
Day to install
Wire one or two sensor inputs from an existing machine photo-eye, relay, proximity switch, or encoder to XL.
Plug a barcode scanner into XL to make it easy for operators to start part runs and scan down time reasons. Print barcodes right from XL.
Connect XL to your network and provide an IP address. There’s no software to install, access everything through your browser.
Our patented reporting technology creates a level playing field across your enterprise. With XL on every process instantly generate reports for a process, area, plant, division, or your entire enterprise. Every XL includes a powerful embedded webserver so there’s no software to install, and your data is instantly available to every user on your network.
Immediately leverage the data XL collects with built-in reports like OEE, Down Time, TEEP, Changeover, Top Losses, and Total Production Timeline. Even better – create custom dashboards, reports, and export files to organize exactly the information you want in exactly the way you want to see it. With over 100 metrics and more than 20 dimensions available in real-time and historically – you have a wealth of actionable information to mine. And your data is not locked in a silo – you can export it to Microsoft Excel with a single click.
XL leverages the knowledge and expertise of the same team that writes and publishes and It thoroughly integrates a whole host of industry best practices including OEE, TEEP, Six Big Losses, Theory of Constraints, SMED, Continuous Improvement, and Short Interval Control. And it is designed to be easy. XL easy. Because a powerful product only creates change when it is used. By you.
XL provides you with a single source of production data. Detailed. Accurate. Timely. Precise. One data foundation to drive change across all roles and responsibilities.
With XL – your data aligns your team. Naturally. Everyone works from the same set of information towards the same set of goals.
Your operators need answers to two simple questions:
The XL scoreboard answers these questions in real-time. If Efficiency is 100% or better – your operators are on track to “win the shift”. We see time and time again that keeping things simple achieves better results. So keep it simple. Use the built-in scoreboard configuration or select from 100+ included metrics.
The scoreboard drives the first wave of productivity improvement with XL.
How do world-class manufacturing companies ensure their production meetings are effective? By basing them on accurate, actionable, up-to-date data.
With XL you are just a click away from more effective daily meetings. Start with one of our built-in reports or create your own dashboard report.
Improved production meetings drives the second wave of productivity improvement with XL.
Most companies try to accomplish too much and end up achieving too little. Why? They focus on the wrong things.
The XL Top Losses report ranks every loss in terms of time. Every down reason. Slow cycles. Small stops. Startup rejects. Production rejects. Changeovers. All ranked by impact and presented in one page. With trend information that instantly shows you where you are improving and where things are getting worse. Banish assumptions. Allocate resources where you will see the biggest improvement for the least effort.
Top losses and other analytics drive the third wave of improvements with XL.
Technology alone doesn’t solve problems – people solve problems
Our technology accurately identifies and prioritizes problems
Your people leverage that technology to resolve problems and improve productivity
Our technology and our people get you started quickly and effectively
Are you ready?
We’ll ship you an XL800 system for you to install and use for 45 days. We will provide unlimited telephone, web, and email support.
We are delighted to help you improve your manufacturing productivity. Please call us: 0032/474.33.73.47
Got a question? We love helping, and we love questions! Whatever your question, we will provide practical solutions to your real-world problems.